Uncovering the beauty in everything, creating joy with color

Welcome to my studio!

I use color, texture and movement to create wonder, curiosity and fresh insights into the world we live in. Through my process of collage, texture paste, and metal leafing I add an abundance of texture and hidden beauty into my art. Color, both bright and muted, helps me create both rest and joy into my paintings. Often there are elements of abstraction in the realistic forms of my subject matter of choice. I am inspired by the natural world and the beauty that surrounds me, even in the hidden and broken places. As an artist I want my viewers to experience the wonder and joy in the beauty of the world around us.





Beautiful birds


Portrait and Full Figure Art

Studies Done On Watercolor Paper

These were painted as studies, where I was in discovery of new techniques or figuring out how to paint skies, form, patterns and more.